Hello NAPMW Phoenix! Our December Holiday Party is coming up on Wed., 12/11 - same time – 430PM, same place – Fate Brewing Company - Scottsdale
Fun, food, games, and merriment! Join your NAPWM peeps AND bring a friend or significant other to join.
$25 per ticket covers your food and one drink, plus game entry. There will be prizes and overall FUN (our 4th pillar)!
RSVP by using ZELLE to pay $25 as soon as possible and no later than December 5. ***You can add a guest name or other info in the memo.
Go to Zelle and send payment to 602-620-8710 (DeeAnne "Dava" McClenahan). Any issues or questions, email DeeAnne at deeanne@mcctaxexperts.com.
We are participating in The Foster Alliance Toy Drive. If you can, please bring a new, unwrapped toy– all ages, all kinds - visit the wish list for ideas. Get more information here or contact President Amy Coblentz
c/o Cris Poole
1903 NE 85th Street #305 Seattle, WA 98115
Phone: (206) 499-7735 admin@napmw.org
National Association of Professional Mortgage Women